


In order to lay the foundation for ESG management, WeZon provides solutions and consulting services
for the clients' successful acquisition of integrated environmental permits and post-management.

esg-consulting 탑 이미지

Integrated Environmental Permission Consulting

Integrated Environmental Permit Consulting

It is a system devised to integrate the management of pollution that were previously managed separately by each pollutant at a emission facility at a business site
level by applying ‘Best Available Techniques Economically Achievable (BAT)’, which comprehensively considers the effect of pollutants on the air, water, and health,
to minimize pollutant emissions

The「Act on the Integrated Management of Environmental Pollution Facilities」, which aims to integrate individual environmental permits for each pollutants,
such as air, water, soil, and waste, came into effect on 1 January 2017 with its application starting from large business sites potentially causing environmental impact.

New business establishments with air or water quality levels 1 and 2 that belong to 19 industries specified in the 「Act on the Integrated Management of Environmental Pollution Facilities」 must obtain
integrated environmental permits over 5 year period starting from 2017(However, existing businesses are granted a grace period of 4 years from the enforcement date for each industry)

Furthermore, we provide Integrated Environmental Management System(IEMS) that enhances productivity by enabling efficient post-management, which are imposed after obtaining integrated environmental permit.

To enhance the efficiency of post-management, the Integrated Environmental Management System is designed to comprehensively manage records and preserved data, which need to be entered in the system periodically, and information that was used in the preparation of plans to obtain the permit, such as information on outlets, measuring devices, facility information, and raw materials.


    For over 20 years, WeZon has been providing consulting and solutions in the fields of environment and safety at production sites
    and has developed an Integrated Environmental Management System(IEMS) and permit acquisition system based on its accumulated
    know-hows to provide comprehensive consulting services.

  • 01

    Prepare integrated Environmental Management plan

    Business site analysis: Collect and actuate basic data such as existing permits, floor plans, etc.

    Prepare integrated Environmental Management plan(Hwp, Excel): Prepare, organize, submit plans and attached documents, such as the installation
    and operation plan for discharging facilities/prevention facilities, emission impact analysis results, permitted discharge standards(draft) per discharge outlet, and follow-up management plan, etc.

  • 02

    Acquire integrated environmental permit(Government affairs)

    Prior consultation(Government affairs) : Apply for prior consultation, and analyze/respond to results(Setting permitted emission standards, installation and operation plan of emission and prevention facilities, etc.)

    Main consultation(Government affairs) : Apply for main consultation, analyze permit review document and make objection(if necessary), apply for non-disclosure of information

  • 03

    Support integrated environment monitoring

    Provide pre/post training for working level and monitor regulation

    Provide of self-measurement and record preservation response guide and training for personnel

    Provide guidebook for integrated Environmental Management plan/annual report

    Establish and manage optimal follow-up plans using IT systems

  • 04

    Integrated Environmental Management System(IEMS)

    We continuously improve systems and develop advanced systems to provide services, rather than a one-time solution development and provision

    We provide a system for managing self-measurement and record preservation data, operation records for discharging and prevention facilities, etc.

  • 05

    Additional environmental consulting service/p>

    Emission source management(Fugitive Emission Detection and Repair, LDAR) and HAPs fugitive emission facility management : Establish inventory and bar code tags for each facilities that emit hazardous air pollutants(HAPs), and provide regular monitoring services

    Chemical substance management : PI consulting for establishing a chemical management system, Compilation of an inventory of chemical substances handled in-house, Registration of chemical substances(Chemical Substances Control Act)

    Total emission management for Air Control Zone Act : Confirm pollutant emission facilities subject to total emission management, calculate total allowable emission amount, support preparation of reduction plan and maintenance plan for each pollutant, support submission of report for air pollutant management business site

    Greenhouse gas/energy management : Evaluate potential for reduction and derive reduction scenarios by building greenhouse gas emissions/energy usage inventory, and prepare response system for target management system/emissions trading system


  • esg 핵심기능 1번 아이콘

    Satisfaction in business management system

    We provide satisfactory results based on a business management system that includes a high understanding
    of the industry and processes, field experience of more than 20 years, and smooth communication with customers.

  • esg 핵심기능 2번 아이콘

    Create synergy

    We can create synergy through collaboration among expert groups in not only the environment,
    but also government affairs, processes, and IT.

  • esg 핵심기능 3번 아이콘

    Availability of comprehensive consulting

    Comprehensive consulting in connection with environmental consulting is available, which includes consulting on facilities
    management such as air, wastewater, HAPs, VOCs, odor, noise and vibration wastes, soil, etc., total emission system
    (Air Control Zone Act) management, and registration and management of chemical substances.

  • esg 핵심기능 4번 아이콘

    Establish efficient, continuous system

    By combining it with IT technology, we help establish an efficient and continuous post-management system by enhancing the productivity of the integrated Environmental Management plan, and unifying the response to integrated Environmental Management through data integration.

  • esg 핵심기능 4번 아이콘

    Enhanced productivity and efficiency

    The IEMS(Integrated Environmental Management System) improves productivity and efficiency by reducing simple tasks
    and enabling you to focus on more valuable tasks.

Case practices

  • Key performance

    OO Energy(Power generation/Steam, hot and cold water, air conditioning supply industry) → Target business site for 2017

    OO Chemical and other manufacturers of basic chemical substances in the petrochemical industry(20111) → Target business site for 2018

    OO Industrial and other manufacturers of synthetic resins and other plastic materials(20202) → Target business site for 2018

    OO Chemical and other manufacturers of synthetic resins and other plastic materials(20119) → Target business site for 2019

    Integrated Environmental Management System under establishment for OO Chemical(Petrochemical) and others

  • A Company case(Generation/Cooling and heating)

    Target business site: OO Energy(Power generation/Steam, hot and cold water, air conditioning supply industry)

    Progress: Submitted Integrated Environmental Management Plan in early April 2020 Permit obtained in June 2020 after two revisions and supplements

    Permit condition: General items, facility operation, monitoring and recording condition, reporting condition

    B Company(Petrochemical) case

    Target business site: OOO Yeosu Plant(Manufacturer of synthetic resin and other plastic materials)

    Progress: Applied for prior consultation in May 2020 After receiving the Ministry of Environment's request for revision
    and supplementation(opinion to revise plan and supplement detailed basis), plan revision and supplementation work currently in progress

  • C Company case (Reporting of total emissions system)

    Target business site : OOO Ulsan Plant(Manufacturer of basic chemical substances in the petrochemical industry)

    Progress : Selected target facilities and calculated total allowable emissions, and prepared report(Submitted mid June 2020)

    Calculation result : Only NOx is the pollutant that is subject to total emission management

Product inquiry



Environment Individual Act permission consulting

Environment Individual Act permission consulting

In accordance with the Framework Act on Environmental Policy which states that ‘business operators must take necessary measures to prevent environmental pollution
and environmental damage arising from their business activities, and are responsible for participating in and cooperating with the environmental conservation policies
of the national or local governments,’ this system provides environmental permits in accordance with each law applicable to the facilities and types of pollutant emission.

The types of permits according to each law is as follows.

  • 01

    Clean Air Conservation Act

    Installation and operation report on emissions facilities(permission, report)
    and fugitive emissions facilities, report on dust generation business,
    etc.(changes), installation report on volatile organic compound emission facilities

  • 02

    Water Environment Preservation Act

    Installation report on wastewater emission facilities, non-point pollutant sources

  • 03

    Malodor Prevention Act

    Installation and operation report on odor emission facilities

  • 04

    Noise and Vibration Control Act

    Installation of noise and vibration emission facilities(Permission, report)

  • 05

    Waste Control Act

    Installation of waste disposal facilities or recycling facilities(Approval, report)

  • 06

    Soil Environment Preservation Act

    Installation report on facilities subject to specific soil pollution management

  • 07

    Persistent Pollutants Control Act

    Report on devices subject to management, etc.

  • 08

    Act On Promotion And Support Of Water Reuse

    Installation report on wastewater reuse system

  • 09

    Special Act On The Improvement Of Air Quality In Air Control Zones

    Installation permission business targets subject to total emission management
    of air pollutant substances


    WeZon has been providing consulting and solutions in the fields of environment and safety at production sites for over 20 years,
    and has developed an Integrated Environmental Monitoring System(IEMS) and permit acquisition system based on its accumulated
    know-hows to provide comprehensive consulting services.

  • 01

    Prepare review and permission report for all subjects of permission for each law

    Business site analysis: Business overview, P&ID. Review subjects of permission according to PFD

    Prepare various permits and reports(Hwp/Excel) : Installation plans for emission facilities, prevention facilities, etc.

  • 02

    Acquire permit(Government affairs) : Carry out permit work according to the timing of each law

  • 03

    Comprehensive consulting on the permits subject to each law


  • esg 핵심기능 1번 아이콘

    Satisfaction in business management system

    We provide satisfactory results based on a business management system that includes a high understanding of the industry and processes, field experience of more than 20 years, and smooth communication with customers.

  • esg 핵심기능 2번 아이콘

    Create synergy

    We can create synergy through collaboration among expert groups in not only the environment,
    but also government affairs, processes, and IT.

  • esg 핵심기능 3번 아이콘

    Availability of comprehensive consulting

    Comprehensive consulting in connection with environmental consulting is available, which includes consulting on
    facilities management such as air, wastewater, HAP's, VOCs, odor, noise and vibration wastes, soil, etc., total emission
    system(Air Control Zone Act) management, and registration and management of chemical substances.

Case practices

  • OO Chemical and other manufacturers of basic chemical substances in the petrochemical industry(20111)

    OO Industrial and other manufacturers of synthetic resins and other plastic materials(20202)

    OO Chemical and other manufacturers of synthetic resins and other plastic materials(20119)

Product inquiry



Consulting for response to Chemical Substances Control Act/MSDS

Consulting for response to Chemical Substances Control Act/MSDS

Accidents caused by chemicals, such as the Gumi hydrofluoric acid accident and the humidifier disinfectant incident have alerted people to chemical substances.
In order to ensure safe management of chemicals by securing systematic information on hazards and risks, the 「Act On Registration And Evaluation Of Chemical Substances 」
has been revised and is effective as of January 1, 2019.
As a result, businesses that manufacture or import more than 100 kg of new chemicals per year or more than 1 ton of existing chemicals per year must prepare the necessary data
and apply for registration before manufacturing or importing.

Through prior consulting, WeZon provides consulting on the entire registration process by checking whether the customer is subject to regulations such as the registration
of the chemicals in the workplace, and establish a registration master plan so that the customer can fulfill the registration obligations under the Chemical Substances Control Act.

In addition, we have many years of experience in registering substances as well as experts with master's and doctoral degrees in each field.
We provide professional consulting on the entire process of chemical registration using the Y-REACH methodology for standardized business management,
and customized services such as reasonable registration costs and minimization of the registration period.


    In addition, we have many years of experience in registering substances as well as experts with master's and doctoral degrees in each field.
    We provide professional consulting on the entire process of chemical registration using the Y-REACH methodology for standardized business
    management, and customized services such as reasonable registration costs and minimization of the registration period.

  • 01

    Master plan for entire process : Establish a registration master plan by listing chemicals manufactured, imported,
    and used within the business site, and checking whether they are already registered or are subject to regulation, etc.

    Investigation of substances handled within the business site : Make a list of the handling status for chemicals used, manufactured, and imported

    Define substances subject to registration : Confirm substance homogeneity and existing registration / Confirm items subject to regulation

    Establish registration master plan : Establish performance plan and performance strategy / Prepare process plan such as post-management plan

  • 02

    Establish and operate council : Establish a joint registration council and check the participation type, discuss and support agreement conclusion

    Identify the current status of the joint substance registration council, and prepare for formation

    Support application for support projects during the entire registration process

    Research on council participation type, substance identification, and basic information

    Discuss details of the council agreement, and support the agreement conclusion process between the parties of the agreement

  • 03

    Secure/produce test data : Based on the research and analysis of available test data, decide on a plan to acquire data,
    and secure toxicity test data

    Data gap analysis : Research and perform reliability assessment on data owned by the council and on test data available internationally
    and locally to design, discuss, and decide on a strategy to obtain submittable data

    Secure/produce test data : Support the securing of test data through purchasing data based on data gap analysis results, production/purchase negotiation and contract, request for test data production, contract and monitoring, etc.

  • 04

    Prepare and submit registration documents : Prepare and submit all documents including applications for substance registration, and respond to supplementary matters

    Prepare/submit registration documents : Complete registration application documents(use/exposure information, classification labeling,
    safe use instructions, etc.) and submit to the National Institute of Environmental Research

    Complete registration : Respond to requests for data supplementation, and finally issue and receive registration notice

  • 05

    Business management and post-management

    Implement project quality management from kick-off to follow-up

    Thorough security management throughout the entire Business Performance

    Manage project schedule through monthly progress inspection and systematic schedule establishment

    Regular work progress and performance reporting according to the event, such as kick-off and interim reporting

    Provide post-monitoring service in response to the Chemical Substances Control Act after registration


  • esg 핵심기능 1번 아이콘

    Provide consulting on chemical substances

    We provide consulting on chemical substances based on the experience and knowledge built with customers at the production site for more than 20 years

  • esg 핵심기능 2번 아이콘

    Provide comprehensive consulting for response to chemical substances

    We provide comprehensive consulting on chemical substances through our group of experts who have masters
    and doctorates majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering, and environment, as well as our experience in conducting
    numerous projects related to Chemical Substances Control Act, Chemical Substances Management Act, and integrated environmental licensing.

  • esg 핵심기능 3번 아이콘

    Systematic business management

    We provide a wide range of master plan, which considers preparation, registration, continuous post-management, material,
    industrial characteristics, enabling systematic project management through detailed implementation method.

  • esg 핵심기능 4번 아이콘

    Professional consulting

    Professional consulting on use surveys and exposure scenarios is possible with our know-how in process analysis including
    integrated environmental licensing, individual environmental law licensing, and Chemical Substances Management Act implementation.

  • esg 핵심기능 5번 아이콘

    Provide connected solutions

    We provide excellent data management and connected solutions through our experience in developing IT solutions
    in the EHS field.

Case practices

  • Key Chemical Substances Control Act/MSDS Business Performance

    Council operation and registration in progress for 3 substances in the 3rd support project for entire process(Nov. 2021-),
    completed the registration for one substance(27 Dec, 2022)

    Council operation and registration in progress for 3 substances in the 4th support project for entire process(Jun. 2022-)

    Company C and L, consulting in progress of registration of existing chemical substances(Apr. 2022-)

    Company C, consulting for GHS, MSDS preparation and submission(Oct. 2022 - Dec. 2022)

    Company A, consulting for MSDS preparation according to the revised Occupational Safety and Health Act(May. 2022)

  • Other consulting related to chemical substances

    Company A, consulting for preliminary diagnosis for response to chemical substance regulation(Dec. 2021-Mar. 2022)

    Company H, establishment of chemical substance management(May. 2021-Nov. 2021)

    Company H, establishment of integrated facility and substance inventory(Aug. 2017-Dec. 2017)

    Company G, establishment of chemical substance management system(Jul. 2015-Jan. 2016)

    Company K, establishment of integrated chemical substance management system(inventory)(Dec. 2014-Jan. 2015)

Product inquiry



Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) is a manual for the safe use of chemicals and consists of 16 items, including information on the hazards and risks of chemicals,
first aid measures, and handling methods.
16 Jan, 2021 In the revised Occupational Safety and Health Act, the entity that require preparation changed from the existing transfer provider to the manufacturing importer or foreign manufacturer,
and the method for listing the names and contents of all components in the MSDS changed to listing the names and contents of hazardous and dangerous chemicals.
In addition, MSDS for substances subject to preparation must be prepared and submitted to the authority before manufacturing/importing.
Furthermore, the data corresponding to trade secrets could be kept confidential without approval in the past, but under the revised Occupational Safety and Health Act, the data proving that
it is a trade secret must be submitted and alternative data must be provided with approval from the Minister of Employment and Labor.


    WeZon has been providing consulting and solutions in the fields of environment and safety at production sites for over 20 years,
    and is providing comprehensive consulting services including the acquisition of integrated environmental permits based on its accumulated know-hows.

  • 01

    Prepare, submit, and verify MSDS

    An experienced chemical expert confirms whether the material is subject to Material Safety Data Sheet preparation,
    and checks the existing Material Safety Data Sheets.

    Confirm and secure usable data on previously unlisted items in the optimal manner based on extensive experience in chemical inventory consulting

  • 02

    Prior review or approval of alternative MSDS data

    Approval is mandatory when the names and contents of ingredients listed as alternative data are trade secrets

    Consulting on the preparation and submission of confidentiality approval application form, which is a mandatory document for approval

    Check in advance whether alternative data can be listed, whether alternative names and alternative contents are appropriate, and whether they are in an appropriate range,
    and establish a strategy

    Prepare supporting evidence for Ministry of Employment and Labor Notice
    No. 2020-130 「Standards For Classification And Labeling Of Chemical Substances And Material Safety Data Sheets」, Annex 7

    Post-management such as support for the Material Safety Data Sheet system application process and supplements, objection,
    approval for extension before expiration of validity period, etc.

  • 03

    IT-based MSDS hazard risk data management and change history management

    MSDS data management, database creation and management of trade secret evidence data

    MSDS change history management and transfer/provision management system


  • esg 핵심기능 1번 아이콘

    Satisfaction in business management system

    We provide satisfactory results based on a business management system that includes a high understanding of the industry and processes, field experience of more than 20 years, and smooth communication with customers.

  • esg 핵심기능 2번 아이콘

    Create synergy

    We can create synergy through collaboration among expert groups in not only the environment,
    but also government affairs, processes, and IT.

  • esg 핵심기능 3번 아이콘

    Availability of comprehensive consulting

    Comprehensive consulting in connection with environmental consulting is available, which includes consulting on the
    management of HAP's emission facilities, total emission system(Air Control Zone Act), chemical substances,
    and greenhouse gas/energy.

  • esg 핵심기능 4번 아이콘

    Establish efficient, continuous system

    By combining it with IT technology, we help establish an efficient post-management system by enhancing the productivity of the integrated Environmental Management plan.

Case practices

  • Company C, consulting for GHS, MSDS preparation and submission(2021)

    Company A, consulting for Korean MSDS preparation according to the revised Occupational Safety and Health Act(2021)

Product inquiry



Chemical Substances Control Consulting

Consulting in response to Chemical Substances Control Act

Accidents caused by chemicals, such as Gumi hydrofluoric acid and humidifier disinfectant, have enhanced the laws on chemical substances.
To ensure safe use of chemicals, the ‘Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances’ was revised and is effective as of 1 January 2015,
and all manufacturers, importers, and users of chemicals must comply with handling facility standards and obtain permission for use.

Manufacturers, importers, and users of chemicals must fulfill the requirements in accordance with the Chemical Substances Control Act, and business sites handling chemicals
in Korea must establish and operate an emergency response system to minimize the impact and damage on residents and the environment in the area and ensure the safety of handling facilities.

In accordance with the Chemical Substances Control Act, the requirements for users of hazardous chemicals are as follows.

  • 01

    Check chemical substance

  • 02

    Import and usage license(permit) for hazardous chemicals

  • 03

    Statistics and emission research on chemicals

  • 04

    Compliance to handling standards for hazardous chemicals

  • 05

    Preparation of chemical accident prevention and management plan

  • 06

    Inspection of hazardous chemical handling facilities
    (Installation, regular, safety diagnosis)


    WeZon has been providing consulting and solutions in the fields of environment and safety at production sites for over 20 years,
    and is providing comprehensive consulting services on the acquisition of permits and fulfillment of requirements based on its accumulated know-hows.

  • 01

    Prepare and submit chemical substance confirmation statement

    Identify the chemical ingredients and content contained in the product, and prepare chemical substance confirmation statement prior to manufacturing and importing

  • 02

    Submit import declaration and permit for hazardous chemicals

    Anyone who wishes to import a product containing hazardous chemicals must check the ingredients and intended use of the material
    and submit a hazardous chemical import declaration and permit to each regional environmental office for approval

  • 03

    Conduct chemical emission research

    Business sites that handle chemical substances, fall under the 5 types of air and water quality, and handle any of the 410 types of chemicals exceeding the handling volume standard, a chemical emission research needs to be conducted and reported by April every year(Waste disposal business operators must submit by August every year)

    Confirm substances subject to emission research through preliminary diagnosis and handling quantity research

    Identify processes and emission sources through on-site visits

    Calculate emission for each process according to substance

    Report emission research results and conduct post-management

  • 04

    Conduct statistical research on chemical substances and report import performance of hazardous chemical substances

    Business sites that handle chemical substances must identify the types of chemical substances and their handling status, including manufacturing,
    import, usage, and export, and conduct statistical research on the handling status and handling facilities related to the handling of chemical substances every two years

    Importers of hazardous chemicals must confirm and report the products, content, and ingredients containing hazardous chemicals
    by August each year

  • 05

    Prepare chemical accident prevention and management plan

    Business site analysis: Collect and actuate basic data such as existing permits, substances handled, floor plans, etc.

    Prepare chemical accident prevention and management plan: Derive accident scenario, operate KORA, calculate accident impact range/risk level

    Submit chemical accident prevention and management plan: Response to corrections/supplements(National Institute of Chemical Safety)

  • 06

    Hazardous chemical business license and installation inspection, safety diagnosis

    Business sites that have completed the installation of hazardous chemical handling facilities must receive installation inspections
    and safety diagnosis from each inspection agency and report to each regional environmental office

    Business site analysis : Check equipment subject to inspection and collect basic data

    Review of prior written materials : Collect and review prior written materials

    Respond to on-site audit


  • esg 핵심기능 1번 아이콘

    Satisfaction in business management system

    We provide satisfactory results based on a business management system that includes a high understanding of the industry and processes, field experience of more than 20 years, and smooth communication with customers.

  • esg 핵심기능 2번 아이콘

    Information on laws and regulations

    In addition to the Chemical Substances Management Act, we compile a chemical inventory to classify and to provide guidance on products and chemical substances subject to regulation

  • esg 핵심기능 3번 아이콘

    Availability of comprehensive consulting

    While conducting chemical emission research, a comprehensive consulting is available in Chemical Substances
    Management Act, which include emission reduction progress and emission facility management

Case practices

  • Key performance

    OO Finechem, Chemical Substances Control Act Response Consulting(2021)

    OO Precision, Chemical Substances Control Act Response Consulting(2021)

    OO Chemical, Chemical Substances Control Act Response Consulting(2021)

    OO Chemical, Chemical Accident Prevention and Management Plan Preparation consulting(2022)

    OO Chemical, Installation Inspection of Handling Facilities Response(2022)

  • Company A case

    Target business site: OO Chemical(Chemical accident prevention and management plan)

    Process: Prepared chemical accident prevention and management plan, responded to National Institute of Chemical Safety(Government affairs)

    Result: Passed chemical accident prevention and management plan assessment

  • Company B case

    Target business site: OO Chemical(Installation inspection of handling facilities)

    Process: Prepared and reviewed prior written data, responded to on-site audit(Korea Energy Corporation)

    Result: Passed installation inspection

Product inquiry



Environment & Safety Assessment Consulting

Environment & Safety Assessment Consulting

We provide professional consulting to prevent safety accidents and to enhance the business site’s compliance to regulations by identifying legal risks
and presenting improvement measures through the inspection and diagnosis of environmental and safety-related laws such as Act on The Integrated Control
of Pollutant-discharging Facilities, and laws on each media including air/water quality.

Many companies provide safety-related consulting and diagnosis using the PSM(Process Safety Management) system, but there is a lack of companies with expertise in the environmental field.
To respond to the enhanced environmental laws and regulations, professional and systematic diagnostic consulting, from document review to on-site confirmation stage, is required.

WeZon's environmental and safety diagnosis consulting provides advice and guidance through systematic diagnosis that include preparing business permit documents, maintaining appropriateness
of legal documents, and ensuring legality/suitability of on-site facilities. We also provide technical advice, such as the legal review for new and expanded facilities.


    WeZon has been providing consulting and solutions in the fields of environment and safety at production sites for over 20 years,
    and has developed an Integrated Environmental Monitoring System(IEMS) and permit acquisition system based on its accumulated know-hows to provide comprehensive consulting services.

  • 01

    Expertise in environmental and safety consulting

    Legal expertise with experience in integrated environmental licensing and media-specific licensing

    Has experts in process, material, facilities, and environmental technology

    Dual organization of front-end with dedicated personnel, and a back-office providing technical support and document work by field when
    performing consulting

  • 02

    Corporate Stability

    Robust financial structure with over 20 years of business experience

    Experience in carrying out numerous mid-to-large projects

    Due to high flexibility of the workforce, the deployment of dedicated personnel at each business site and additional contract have little impact

  • 03

    Utilization of IT system

    A database(DB) can be created for processes, discharge and prevention facilities, and material inventory

    Project management in PMO using independent system(Constant management of schedules, issues and risks)

  • 04

    Create synergy

    Connected to IT system for integrated environment post-management

    Support connection to IT system through environmental and safety diagnosis consulting

    Connected to production management, facility management, and quality control systems

    Establish inventory of HAPs/VOCs fugitive emission facilities, and improve deficiencies in the management of hazardous chemical handling facilities


  • esg 핵심기능 1번 아이콘

    Satisfaction in business management system

    We provide satisfactory results based on a business management system that includes a high understanding
    of the industry and processes, field experience of more than 20 years, and smooth communication with customers.

  • esg 핵심기능 2번 아이콘

    Create synergy

    We can create synergy through collaboration among expert groups in not only the environment, but also government affairs, processes, and IT.

  • esg 핵심기능 3번 아이콘

    Availability of comprehensive consulting

    Comprehensive consulting in connection with environmental consulting is available,
    which includes consulting on the management of HAP's fugitive emissions facilities,
    total emission system(Air Control Zone Act), chemical substances, and greenhouse gas/energy.

  • esg 핵심기능 4번 아이콘

    Establish efficient, continuous system

    By combining with IT technology, we help establish an efficient post-management system

Case practices

  • Key performance

    Company K, Chemical Substance Control Pre-Diagnosis consulting

    Company K, PSM and Chemical Substances Control Act Response consulting & On-site audit support

    Company H, Pre-inspection for Regular Inspection on Integrated Environment

  • Company K case(Chemicals industry)

    Target business site : OO Chemical

    Process : Prepare and submit PSM report and chemical accident prevention and management plan,
    pre-inspection for response to installation inspection, observe PSM on-side audit

    Result : Conformance to PSM and Chemical Substances Management Act

  • Company H case(Integrated environmental licensing)

    Target site : OOO Daesan Plant(Response to regular inspection for integrated environmental permit)

    Process : Prior licensing documents for regular inspection and on-site audit

    Result: Passed regular inspection Company B case

Product inquiry

